Our Tech Awards

Here are some of the awards that we are most proud of:
  • Top Mobile App Developer
  • Top Mobile App Development Companies
  • Top Mobile App Developer
  • Top Software Developer
  • Certified Mobile App Developer

Hire Our Team of Developers to Leverage Wide Range of Next.js Development Services

We offer the best developer experience through our top-notch Next.js services. Our fully-functional customized applications developed using the Next.js framework focus on speed, scalability, and performance.

Next.js SSR Applications

We create feature-rich Next.js applications using the server-side rendering approach, adapting to your business needs. With our Next.js web development services, we build web apps ideal for SEO with faster loading speed.

Build Dynamic & Static Website

Do you want to develop a dynamic or static website? Our Next.js developers can create static and dynamic pages promptly. We use the Next.js framework that allows developers to develop robust dynamic websites.

Next.js eCommerce Website Development

Hire our Next.Js developers to build eCommerce web applications. With the help of Next.Js React-based web framework, we create high-traffic, user-friendly websites using SSR ideal for eCommerce business.

Migrating & Upgrading to Next.js

Our developers’ team will assist you in upgrading to the latest version of the Next.js framework. We make sure to maintain fast performance without compromising with SEO and responsiveness while migrating to this technology.

Workflow Integration

We integrate the latest technologies and frameworks based on logging, databases, CMS, monitoring, DevTools, code repository tools to deploy a perfect solution for your need with a seamless development process.

Next.js Plugin Development

We enhance the performance of the Next.js application’s features with the use of needed plugins. We use existing plugins or build custom plugins for developing your feature-rich application as per your requirements.

Build business resilience by opting for our customized digital transformation solutions.

Optimize your existing business or adapt the customized solutions for operational efficacy and enterprise growth with SparxIT. Entrust your destiny and connect with us.

Hiring Next.js Developers Made Easy With These Three Simple Steps




Within 8 hours of receiving your query, we will share the CVs of our dedicated Next.js developers. As per your business requirements, you can pick a suitable CV of the developer for the next round. If you don’t find any CV worth shortlisting as per your need, we will share more CVs of dedicated Next.js developers.



After shortlisting the selected developers for the next round, we will schedule the interview process. You can ask specific questions to find the eligible Next.js developer for your project as per your standards, such as communication skills, experience, qualifications, etc.

Onboarding & Introduction


After finalizing the developer for your Next.js development project, we can initiate the onboarding process. With the help of tools like Slack, Webex, Trello, etc., we will create accounts to establish a communication medium. As per the suitable schedule, we will arrange a call between you, the hired developer, and the project manager for further introduction and planning.

Why Should You Hire Next.js Developers from Sparx IT Solutions?

We have a large team of highly experienced and skilled Next.js developers who can comprehend your business requirements and integrate state-of-the-art solutions accordingly.

Faster Deployment

We greatly emphasize speed and efficiency in the deployment of projects. We provide smooth, interactive, and clear app codes and features by breaking the app into small components, facilitating code reuse, and accelerating the development process.

Well-Coordinated & Managed Teams

Our developing team has experience in working both the client-side and the server-side without any uncertainty. By hiring our dedicated Next.js developers, you can leverage the high-quality services with a well-coordinated team.

High Technical Expertise

Sparx IT Solutions have worked with various industries, which gives us the ability to comprehend industry-specific features. Our product managers and developers are well-versed with Next.js technology and assist you throughout the development process.

Support and Maintenance

Hire Next.js developers from Sparx IT Solutions and acquire technical help anytime you require it promptly. We apprehend your business needs and demands and provide assistance with our Next.js application support & maintenance services.

Feature-Rich Solutions

We tailor custom feature-rich mobile applications, websites, eCommerce websites as per your business requirements, scalability, and customer demands. Our Next.js development creates business solutions for future growth.

All-Time Availability

We value your time, and that’s why we are always available at your service whenever you require it. We offer a seamless connectivity channel and work as per your convenient schedule to make this a fruitful and successful collaboration.

Key Takeaways From Our Next.js Development Model

Time & Material

This model supports agile development processes and cuts off additional costs like training or educating professionals. Moreover, you will be only charged for the time and resources invested in the project.

Dedicated Hiring

You can hire Next.js developers at your convenient time, hourly, weekly, monthly, or yearly. In this model, the developers will exclusively focus on your project.

Build Your Team

You can hire offshore staff to extend your in-house team. In this model, you get the provision to hire a team or single developer as per your need. Also, team size can be flexible based on your requirements.

Hire Models
Modernize your mid-size or established enterprise with next-gen technologies

Wait no more and contact the expert team of SparxIT and revolutionize your business module with ever-evolving features and scalable solutions.

Our Outstanding Works to Acknowledge Our Cutting-Edge Next.js Services



MERN Stack

MultiVendor / Emcommerce Project


Native app (Swift Java )

Social Networking


Automotive & Transport / React js, Node js / MongoDB

Listings / YMM Search / Rating & Review
Browse Our Portfolio

What People Say About Us

Bree Argetsinger
Bree Argetsinger United States

It has been delightful to work with Sparx IT Solutions. They offered quality solutions within my budget. I would highly recommend them, if someone is looking to hiring a website design and development company. Thanks guys.

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