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Hire Dedicated Data Scientists to Leverage The Expertise

We allow our clients to use data science and meet their business goals with the right talent.

Data Consulting

Our data scientists offer data consulting services that include data gathering, interpreting data, designing research & action plans, etc., in order to make strategic data-related decisions and deliver analytical business solutions.

Data Science as a Service (DSaaS)

Leverage the unparalleled expertise of our data science experts in advanced data analytics technologies and methods. Our experts guide clients to exploit accelerated growth that create new scope of opportunities and power process management and operations.

Deep Learning

Our data science experts use various analytical tools, ML algorithms, and neural networks for predictive analysis. We classify, recognize, detect and describe the pattern of data to gain knowledge on your business process.

Data Visualization

Our team of data science experts would help you visualize the data model using box plots, histograms, treemaps, charts, heat maps, word cloud, and network diagrams. Our data scientists are using the latest data visualization tools to build futuristic business solutions.

Business Intelligence

Let business intelligence techniques be the core process mechanism to drive growth to your business operations. Our team of data scientists will help you source data from multiple sources and integrate multilateral dynamics of automated data operation.

Data Wrangling

Our data scientists sophisticate your data using modern and result-oriented remediation techniques and transform raw elements into usable components. We use advanced technology resources to preprocess and wrangle data by eliminating critical obstructions.

Build business resilience by opting for our customized digital transformation solutions.

Optimize your existing business or adapt the customized solutions for operational efficacy and enterprise growth with SparxIT. Entrust your destiny and connect with us.

Get Ready to Hire Data Scientists in the Next 8 Hours




The process of hiring offshore data scientists begins by viewing a list of CVs. Clients can choose from a variety of profiles and finalize which candidates they want to interview. The interview process is accomplished using a variety of communication tools. If a client does not find any potential candidate in the first phase of the process, they can ask for another bunch of CVs.



Post shortlisting the CVs, clients can interview the candidates. This phase of the process provides them a better understanding of their profile in terms of skills, attitude, experience, and knowledge. is a crucial stage as it sets up the first interaction between the client and professionals who might work on the project.

Onboarding & Introduction


Our professionals use a variety of communication tools such as Trello, Slack, Webex, Skype and others to conduct meetings on various agendas. This phase of the process also focuses on documenting the project vision before onboarding the complete team of data scientists and other designated professionals.

Why Should You Hire Offshore Data Scientists?

Sparx IT Solutions is a one-stop organization that provides quality resources with zero risks to businesses of all sizes and industrial domains.

Diverse Experience

Our offshore data scientists have worked on a large and extensive range of businesses and gained diverse experience in taking on unique service delivery and business challenges. Learning from our experiences, we serve as a credible service provider.

Cut To The Chase

No more process blockers and unnecessary delays due to formalities in sourcing, joining formality, joining period waiting, training. You can directly move to the real-work on your project with our competent data scientists posing adaptive implementation.

Increased ROIs

By getting an experienced technical expert with a visionary business professional, you can accelerate your project growth with skilled data scientists. You can leverage boosted ROIs with our unique approach to work on offshore ventures.


Let us be your offshore data science partner and cut down project management costs by significant margin. You do not need to worry about basic expenses like internet, devices, and human resources.

Trusted Outcomes

Long-term experience in the market has led us to build and deploy solutions that conform to diverse business demands. You can work alongside our offshore experts for result-oriented data transformation.

Adaptable Approach

Our offshore experts engage in productive and reliable implementation of transformative data science tools and techniques that bring favorable results to your business processes.

Choose The Right Model to Hire Data Scientists

Time & Material

By using this hiring model, you can eliminate the short-term project loopholes and engage in continuous development of data models. Our data scientists comprehend the dedicated project requirements and set an estimate for end-goal delivery. Businesses can take control over the project development costs by working using the time and material hiring model.

Dedicated Hiring

Hire dedicated data scientists for your project and get complete control over the development and management of the project. You may be charged on hourly, monthly, or weekly basis. This engagement model is primarily popular for developing ambitious MVPs for ambitious enterprise projects.

Build Your Team

This hiring model allows businesses to build and manage a complete team of professionals with varied skill sets. You can control the development of your app ideas using transformative project management tools and techniques. By hiring data scientists, you pay 50-70% less than what you pay while working with developers in the USA, Europe, Australia, and the UK.

Hire Models
Modernize your mid-size or established enterprise with next-gen technologies

Wait no more and contact the expert team of SparxIT and revolutionize your business module with ever-evolving features and scalable solutions.

What People Say About Us

Bree Argetsinger
Bree Argetsinger United States

It has been delightful to work with Sparx IT Solutions. They offered quality solutions within my budget. I would highly recommend them, if someone is looking to hiring a website design and development company. Thanks guys.

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