Main Features
- Automatic task assignment
- Roles & Permissions
- Price calculator
- Invoicing
- Discipline Workflow
Canis is an ambitious ERP project for us and our client, Aspen Creations. They are a well-recognized name for construction services in the Arabic region. With the increasing load of work, they thought of adopting an automated task management model to streamline and systematize their resources.
The client demanded a portal that they could use to manage resources and task allocation, productivity, and overall efficiency. As we have already worked on ERP projects earlier, we could relate their expectations to what we had delivered to our previous clients.
We identified the unique challenges in the conventional process and implemented the required features considering the needs of the projects. To conform to the real-time needs, we have acquired a minimalist edge in the interface of this product which makes it easier to operate.
“Ever since we got our hands on this project, we have tried to transform our client’s ideas into reality & we could do this timely and effectively. Construction is a process where we have different verticals & workers; be it carpenter, painter, electrician, or any other and the software should be easy to use for them. We wanted our development to be precisely focused on the user experience for the workers. With our empirical research, we have been able to build an easy-to-use ERP for Aspen Creations for workers, supervisors, and business owners.”
With this product, we tend to provide business and IT infrastructure to the client for operating construction processes simply, efficiently, and effectively. Achieving maximum productivity with the least redundancy is what every service provider seeks. We have automated different process segments using data-efficient tools.
We have bifurcated the application into zones that denote the identifying information of the place of construction. In general, a zone is a Site where the construction shall occur.
Under zones, we create departments. In a single Zone, different professionals would be doing different work. The niche of work is defined under departments.
A department is divided into disciplines that let the admin create the workflow for tasks flow. i.e. woodwork contains cutting, painting and finishing.
The departments are further divided into tasks and sub-tasks. Tasks that are the bigger ones are called in software “Sections”. Subtasks are the smaller ones on which workers need to work on a daily basis such as painting a door’s one side. These are called “Items” in our software.
For all the workers, tasks are assigned one by one as per discipline workflow. This assignment of task can be automated or manual.
To enable a legitimate assessment of productivity, we have packaged multiple components in the application.
Right from the time, we started working on this project, we outlined the real-time objectives of the Canis and implemented features in the best way possible.
“This is the product of our needs. It has covered every important element of a multi-packaged ERP. The most admirable thing is, the project was completed timely and we were updated on every crucial development which I consider a significantly vital approach. I would convey my wishes to the team, especially Niah & Sumit putting in that extra edge in accomplishing this project.”
Canis is being used by the client in their processes and the product is doing a satisfactory job for them. We are working on a few more features to upgrade the functionalities of the product.
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