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Tom Hardy

No one can make exact predictions about what is going to change in next few days, months or years. Same problem has been observed for the web design and development domain, where nothing is certain and even changing day-by-day.

A well-designed website is an ultimate option to get quality traffic. Professional websites are meant to assist customers so that they can have the insightful information regarding their queries. Without an excellent user interface, a website cannot provide a better user experience which is extremely important for a business success. If user gets rich user experience, it will also aid in effectively increasing the conversion rates for the proposed website. Keeping pace with the latest web design trends and by implementing the proven web design standards, various UI/UX design agencies have come up in the industry just to cater the web designing needs of customers.

Now, you can imagine the scope and significance of UI/UX design in a business website. In order to achieve better results, web designers are putting great efforts to create a full-fledged yet appealing website. But in between, they are in search of better UX designs and layouts to cater customer’s needs.

There is an only difference between a website which is not popular and the one which rocks the industry, is their user interface and user experience level. You must be aware of the fact that if a website is dull and does not have good user interface, it will result in disappointing conversion rates, so it is better to take it seriously and make your website appealing to ensure excellent user experiences.

The major concern is that even after having beautifully designed websites, web owners are facing lots of problems in its promotion on the web. They have researched a lot and by going deep into the domain they have come up with some drastic and most important facets that need to be included in a website during designing and development.

Some latest and crucial trends for the best UX design websites:

1. Mobile-ready Layout

You might have heard about the concept of responsiveness. It is an essential part when it comes to providing better user experience. Being a UI/UX designer, you must follow UI design principles and consider everything on behalf of choices & preferences of users. It’s not necessary that users will access your website only on their desktops. This is the mobile era thus users prefer to access everything on their smartphones. So, whenever, you decide to design a business website, it is necessary to build it by integrating mobile-friendly features. With this addition in your website, you can quickly see the changes in your business outcomes and definitely, they will be profitable.

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2. Use Captivating Images To Draw Attention

You are aware of the fact that how attractive layout and content improve the user interactivity for a website. Images play a significant role when it comes to grabbing the attention of users at first sight. Placing unique images is the best way to get outstanding user attraction. It enhances the visual hierarchy and aids users to select the service image from the given ones. You can also manage this by putting some relevant text over the images which clearly mention the purpose and meaning of service.

3. Humanization Is A Better Option

Give your brand a recognizable face and let the business get unbeatable success. Every business website is developed and launched with few objectives that can be defined to garner the client’s attention, make users stay for long, convert potential customers into subscribers and boost conversion rates. It can be easily achieved by humanizing your brand on the web. To get success in this step, make sure you are promoting the genuine and authentic services to the customers. In order to represent your brand, you can also come up with a fictional character as this technique promotes the business in decent ways.


Image Source: ShopeStyle

4. Attractive Call-To-Action

Building website is not only about creating an appealing layout or content placement. It is about how you can grab the attention of visitors so that they will avail your services. In this context, appealing call-to-action plays a significant role in taking customers’ to the offers visible on your website. Every call-to-action must be composed of compelling words or phrases so that they can seek the attention of users. This process will help to prompt the users to take action regarding the same. For better user interaction, you can add words like hurry up, buy now, contact to get the offer and limited stock available as your call to actions that urge the users to take instant action.

Attractive Call-To-Action

5. Improve Page Load Time

The speed of your website is a non-deniable factor. You cannot overlook it if you are concerned about getting excellent conversion rates. A website’s success completely depends on its page loading time and when user finds it slow and lazy he chooses to abandon that website and quickly move to other which is great to use and navigate. So, if you are a web or user experience designer, simply implement the site speed enhancement tactics to improve page load capability, only then you can have a great customer base and conversion rates. Check your website speed with Google PageSpeed Checker Tool.

Page Load Time

6. Apply Smart Test for Website

To flawlessly run a business website, continuous testing is crucial. This is the tactic which makes a website strong internally as well as externally. Sometimes, introducing small changes in website layout can lead it to gain better conversion rates. Removing dead links and broken links can also help you in enhancing the user experience design. To get profitable outcomes and improved conversion rates, you can also compare the aspects of your website with the competitive ones. At last, the solution is to regularly test your website on different parameters to leverage it over the web.

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7. Try To Eliminate The Technical Site Errors

If you run a business website, it should be kept in mind that there are no errors while customers browse it over the web. Errors can be caused due to many reasons. It can be caused by broken links of your website which is a major issue. None of the visitors is ready to see an error to the browsed website and if so, they switch to the other website. These 404 errors are create a bad impression on customers which may lead to such an extent that users may decide not to browse a particular website again. So, you have to remove your website’s dead links and other negative aspects.

Final Thoughts:

With the help of these tips and suggestions, you can easily take your conversion rates to the upward directions. These web designing tricks and trends not only help web owners create a functional business website but also provide an extended user experience. Implementing these latest trends will make customers satisfied which results in bringing quality traffic to your website.

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