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Tom Hardy

August 15, 2019, Sparxians celebrated 73rd Independence day with great zest.
Every year, we laud our freedom with complete devotion. This year again, we celebrated this historic day with great pride and joy at the office premises.

The entire office was spruced up with the tricolor balloons, which was a treat to the eyes. To make this day impactful and cherishable, we Sparxians wore hues of our national flag, and clicked loads of pictures.

The day started off with the drawing competition, where employees showcased their artistic traits. Some painted images of the freedom fighters while some opted to highlight the social issues in their painting. Each and every sketch was spectacular that sparked the feeling of nationalism. The respected jury members locked their verdict by running a glance at the drawings. Their active contribution made this event a huge success.

drawing competition


Soon after the drawing competition, we proceeded our fun-filled activity i.e., dumb charade. There were different teams, which enacted the flicks very well. All the employees enjoyed this game to the fullest. Overall, it was a wonderful team building activity.

competition dram charades

Now, the time came where employees unveiled their singing talent (singing competition). The participants sang patriotic songs to show their love and respect towards the nation. We must say that Sparx IT Solutions is bestowed with a brigade of melodious voice. All of them sang phenomenally well.

At the end of the day, the drawing and singing champs were announced. They were rewarded with the beautiful gifts. It was a day worth remembering to. We promise that we will turn up next year with 2X more enthusiasm and frolic activities.

singing winner


2nd winner


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