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Tom Hardy

Node.js is an exemplary chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine which is use for developing numerous server-side applications. It’s also one of a highly customizable server engines especially used by JavaScript coders to build real-time web APIs adapted to run across multiple devices. There are lots of advantages of Using Node.Js in web & app development process.

The rising demand of this runtime system is due to the remarkable functionality of JavaScript, which in turn have brought many remarkable changes in the realm of web development. The impeccable functioning of browser and server, when powered with JavaScript, has definitely impressed a large number of web developers. This is the only reason that with just few lines of JavaScript, you can now create web server as simple and as dynamic you want.

Key Reasons For The Rising Popularity of Node.js

Below mentioned are some key reasons that have contributed to the rising demand of Node.js in the web development industry.

  • Node.js is really..really FAST!!!

    Node.js is based on JavaScript at the backend which is inarguably defines as to why Node.js is so agile. It runs on Google V8 JavaScript engine that assembles libraries directly to perform I/O (writing files and regulating network connections), which makes it’s performance faster. Node.js has simplified the prototyping and scalability in the applications. And it would be no wrong if you compare the agility of Node.js with current backend technologies prevalent these days. For an instance, the mobile site of Walmart uses Node.js to provide services to their customers. And can you guess their server’s CPU utilization for the Black Friday Sale in 2013? It was just 1%, isn’t that amazing.

  • Possess An Extensive Node Package Manager

    Node.js is an open-source technology that comprehends an inbuilt package management support which can be done using the NPM tool available by default with every installation of Node.js. Let’s take a look at some commonly used NPM modules: Express.js, forever, Connect, CoffeeScript, socket.io and sockjs, redis, Jade, mongo and mongojs, underscore (lodash, lazy), etc.

  • An Effective Data Streaming

    The streams in I/O based applications can be easily managed using node.js. This can be easily used to build something really apprehensive. Take an example: like with node.js, it is very easy to transcode media files even when they are uploading; this helps in saving time. Undoubtedly, Node.js facilitates time-saving feature very efficiently.

  • Building Real-time web applications is now Simplified

    Node.js excels in providing an effective framework to build real-time web applications like chat and games. Moreover, the uniformity of JavaScript usage in both client-side and server-side results in effective and swift synchronization process. This real-time power comes into light with the use of web sockets. Web sockets are helpful in regulating the performance of application during any uncalled surge in traffic. A number of cloud platforms support Node and thus make it the perfect choice for real-time application development.

  • Escalated Productivity

    Paypal reports that the use of node.js has doubled up the productivity. And this is possible because the time saved between the lines and assemblage of front-end and back-end processes is significant. This cuts down the involvement of more employees, thus saving a lot sum.

In this blog, you might have got an idea what and why Node.js is for and definitely would have got reasons to add it to your web development toolkit. Tech giants like Microsoft and Yahoo are also switching to the use of node, which in a way is an inspiration to you, if you are still trying to figure out the reasons to using node. Node.js is supposedly the latest trend to happen in JavaScript world and if you are a conventional JS developer, definitely this is the time for you to get excited.

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