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Tom Hardy

In the digital landscape, the user experience has become an indispensable element. It majorly impacts the amount of time the user spends on your website, and whether they’ll convert or not.

Whether it is searching answers via search engines, booking flight tickets, ordering food, or grocery shopping, the users wanted their needs to be delivered faster. For their fine execution, all is required is a top quality user experience. For the businesses who want to attract customers to their websites and boost their revenue, the UX is the key factor that can make it happen.

Today, the digital marketers have realized the effectiveness of aligning UX with marketing, so to create a robust blend for the business development. Both of them sails in the category of the marketing budget, as their motive is to drive the users towards the website and increase conversion rate.

With this, it becomes imperative for UX designers to work with marketing experts, and start learning the way they think. In spite of the fact that the marketers have basic knowledge of designing, but they’ve a solid grip in understanding the user psychology and buying behavior.

And, the web designers are talented enough to create interfaces that will serve these requirements. This inter-relationship between the two is collaborative and both are required to work collectively to attain success in their forte.

Before delving deep into the topic, let’s first understand what is user experience? Well, the user experience is all about creating meaningful and relevant experience to the users while navigating through a website. The fundamental elements that digital marketers and UX experts should understand are the “users”, “their goals”, tasks, and journey.

User Experience (UX) Design Affects Your Digital Marketing

(UX) Design Affects Your Digital Marketing

Website is one of the most valuable asset for a business for sure. The content you put on it should be catchy enough that it encourages the visitors to take an action. You should ensure that your website offers intuitive and seamless user experience to the visitors. The world of UX is complex one, where you are required to explore different facets, so it would be great to approach UI/UX experts to assist you in this context.

At the time of strategizing digital marketing plan, there are plenty of factors that you should focus on. Here they are:

  • User Interface

User Interface

It is considered as the face of your website. The element distribution across the page, font style and color selection comes in that section, which leverages in setting an impression in the visitor’s mind. These small detailing add significant value to your website. Whether you’re placing a “subscribe” button or any other CTA button, the design should be easy to use, and guides the users properly what to do next.

Don’t try to impress them with the options as it will degrade the user experience. You can use the colors smartly to portray particular emotions and brand’s traits. This also helps in pulling the user’s attention. Your font selection has a huge role in creating the impression for your brand. A conservative font helps in giving a professional touch to a brand while playful font depicts the youthful and relaxed side of the business.

  • Speed

People dislike websites that are slow to load. They’’ll abandon the website which doesn’t gets loaded within three seconds, and will look up to better alternatives. If the users can easily browse through your website, and find the things that they’re searching for, then the user experience will automatically gets improved.

A website with a slow speed has a higher bounce rate- the percentage of visitors leaving a website after visiting only one page. This gives search engines a sign that your page irrelevant to the search or the content is not useful enough. As a consequence, the page ranking will be decreased. Those who have a slow loading website, it is the right time to start working on its speed, else you’’ll lose out your potential customers.

  • Usability

You should never hamper functionality just for the sake of aesthetics. Be it a website or an app, your inclination should be on simplicity, so you don’t have to discard important features and functionality. The design should be based on the features that are required the most for your website

  • Mobile Experience

Mobile Experience

With the growing use of the mobile devices, it is necessary that you build digital marketing strategies by keeping mobile into main consideration. If you are creating a website, then you should not be confined to only desktop version. In order to deliver a wonderful user experience to the customers, your website should be optimized for both the desktop and mobile screens. This will give your content the uniformity across all the platforms.

Underneath are some reasons that explain why user experience is important for the digital success. Let’s give them a read:

# 1. Experience matters a lot

As market rivals are constantly embracing advancement, so it’s a high time for you as well to join that league. You should offer the users a flawless user experience that they can cherish for long. An ease of navigation is something that you should give more focus, as this makes the users to search for the things they need.

# 2. Product promotions

product promotion

Be it a user experience or marketing, both are centered at product promotions for the businesses, so to boost the sales. Due to this reason, the design team should collaborate with the digital marketing firms, which can help them in constructing a result-driven campaign for advertising and pushing sales.

# 3. UX is far beyond interfaces

UX is not merely about creating fabulous user interfaces. It is just a part of the user experience. Basically, the user experience defines the relationship between people and technology. Since the usage of technology and digital marketing is increasing, so the nature of this relationship is coming at the front.

# 4. Detailed research is important

The digital marketing is driven towards quantitative research methods, and design research is qualitative. It is mainly because the market research is carried out for a particular product of specific industry, and the user experience is research-intensive in nature. This makes the designers to understand the actual needs of the target customers, so they can cater their users exactly what they are looking for.

# 5. User Testing is Necessary

user testing

When it is about UX of a website or an app, the designing experts spend a major amount of time in achieving perfection. They perform vigorous user testing as it makes the designers quickly detect flaws and fix them. And, this can bring a good impact on the digital campaigns, as the marketing professionals will easily understand the buying behavior and user psychology. Hence, the user testing is the best possible solution to improve the UX and solidify the marketing campaigns as well.

# 6. User Experience Builds Loyalty

Remember that, you can’t buy loyalty. It will come with powerful branding and customer relationships which are engaging and rewarding. The only way to drive customer loyalty is by offering the users an excellent user interface. The more you invest time in digital marketing efforts, the better you will acquire loyal customers for your business.

# 7. Collaboration drives success

For a business to be successful, the collaboration between designers and marketers is crucial. This is the driving parameter which ensures overall growth. While UX is useful in creating value for the buyers, marketing does exactly the same thing for the businesses by enforcing the users to convert. UX empowers the digital campaigns which help in drifting massive traffic, increased conversion and ROI for the businesses.

UX boosts the digital marketing strategies while digital marketing gives analytical insights about the real life users, which is highly beneficial in enhancing the user experience across the web and mobile. The tools which are useful in getting such insights are Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Facebook Insights, etc.

Some concluding thoughts

With all these, it is pretty safe to conclude that UX is key to enhance customer engagement and conversion rate. The user experience matters a lot in the digital marketing. Inadvertent of the device or content medium, the users will stick to a website or app that will provide them fast, interactive, and visually grabbing virtual environment.

From the time the customers learn about your brand’s name to the time they become your loyal customer; you should give your utmost attention towards the user experience. Note it, improving the customer journey possesses the potential to increase the customer satisfaction rate.

If you are actively seeking for a reliable online marketing service, then Sparx IT solutions is the name you can trust. We have the best team of digital marketers who will dedicatedly work in improving your online presence.

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