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Tom Hardy

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance is in discussion these days. It should be! Because recently, the regulation has come up with strict data privacy norms that need to be applied by all belong to EU businesses. In short, this sweeping act will be enforced to all the companies that process, collect and monitor the data of the European Union (EU) citizens. Also, the law covers the companies, websites and applications that accumulate and control EU citizens data.

The regulation puts privacy rights, data control, data security and governance under it. And, the best part is that the law is quite identical to all the business owners as they need to comply only with a single data privacy standard.

Have you thought about the fact that how this regulation be implemented to the businesses? Not every business owner is capable to understand each fact about the regulation. The solution is that they should hire a GDPR compliance consulting company which is efficient to tackle critical personal information of individuals.

See What New GDPR Compliance Entails?

Let’s delve deep to understand the regulation and the guidelines to implement the same.

The EU Data Protection Regulation covers the entire European continent to get complied with it. This single law generally emphasizes on enhancing the data protection for individuals and businesses. After this big announcement, many previous data protection laws seem to be replaced. Because this single law is covering everything under the act and provides extremely secure data processing outputs.

Undoubtedly, the regulation makes it easier for data controllers to safeguard information quite readily. There are certain changes that companies can expect during GDPR compliance implementation. They can encounter specific changes in their internal data control management. And, this can only be done under the strict guidance of Data Protection Officer who is well-versed in dealing such data related situations. Moreover, GDPR compliance does not end with the country or region boundaries, even the regulation encompasses the companies that reside in other countries and have access to the EU residents’ data.
In case, if you are don’t comply with the rules, it can result in a heavy loss which can also be in the form of the hefty fine from the annual turnover.

What else is required for the GDPR compliance?

Compliance with the GDPR: According to this point, organizations need to be in sync with all the GDPR compliance rules. If the companies want complete rescue from the attackers and data breach issues, it is necessary that they should follow each norm. This not only helps measure each aspect but also reduce the severity of fines.

High levels of consent: Before accessing the personal data of individuals, organizations need to gain the consent of people. They should assure them that they are free to access the stored data. This needs to be declared by their statement or by a positive action. On the other hand, people have the right to withdraw their consent at any time regarding the stored data.

Apart from the mentioned ones, there are many other validations that need to be focused during GDPR compliance implementation. These include “notification of security breaches, consent to move personal data from one place to another and the right to data scrubbing”.

Let’s move to explore the GDPR impacts on companies

Which Companies Do Fall Under New GDPR Act?

A company which holds the information and data of EU citizens must comply with the GDPR. No matter, they have a business presence in EU states, still, they fall under this regulation. There are a few specific criteria for GDPR compliance:

  1. One should have a presence in EU country.
  2. No business presence in EU but processes the data of European citizens.
  3. An organization must be armed with 250+ employees.

Since the regulation has taken place, organizations are flooded with so many questions. Among them, some are quite considerable. Entrepreneurs often ask whether they are free to outsource GDPR compliance services from third-party organizations outside EU member states? The answer is yes! But the condition is that these organizations or solution providers should adhere to the new GDPR guidelines meant for data processing and appropriate storage. The other condition is that if the data is transferred outside EU countries then the other country should also hold the same level of data protection. The regulation can only take place by following the mentioned norms.

Now, we want to make you aware of the most important steps that organizations can use to prepare data for GDPR:

  • Understand the law completely
  • Create a roadmap to carry out process
  • Know which information or data is appropriately regulated
  • Start implementing the rule with critical data & procedures
  • Assess & document other probable risks
  • Revise and repeat the process for better results

Final Thoughts:

It will take time to implement and achieve the full GDPR compliance but, you can start it right now to initiate customer data protection campaign. So, if you want to keep your customers’ data secure in a long run, you should start by aligning work streams to help HR and production departments for the big environmental change. Now, your organization is ready to escalate GDPR for the stored data. This is how you can reap the advantages of the new GDPR compliance act.

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