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Tom Hardy

HTML Website to WordPress

Designing websites with static HTML code in action was a thing of past. Unlike this traditional way of designing websites, today PSD to HTML and then HTML to WordPress which leads to PSD to WordPress conversion is used the most. The issues with earlier HTML websites was that the styles and the scripts were coded with HTML frameworks and this became the reason for websites getting slower. As a lot of same code will be loaded for each page, it further contributes to slowing down the speed of the website. In order to resolve this issue, web developers come up with an innovative HTML to WordPress conversion technique.

Converting the static HTML website into dynamic WordPress platform provides a number of benefits. WordPress is not just the perfect blogging platform but also offers the benefits of creating a perfect website. As WordPress offers a plethora of benefits when considered for website creation, we are presenting the 5 reasons to switch to this platform.

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• A Dynamic CMS

The old-school HTML websites are static having lots of pages and lines of hard codes as well. Each of these pages on the site is equal to one HTML file having same layout and design. WordPress websites, on the other hand, are easy to create, update as well as manage and with the same reason, it has got a preference over the static HTML website design service. WordPress has been originally developed for publishing purposes with a lot of functions embedded in the platform, which makes it dynamic at the same time.

• Easy to Work

WordPress is fairly easy to use with the support of vibrant community available 24*7. This CMS offers a number of additional plugins and themes as well that make the web development services job much easier. Themes offer a definite look to the websites and plugins. On the other hand, they are used to add definitive features to the websites. With WordPress, the website coding becomes easy and not much technical. This is the reason a number of beginners prefer using the platform.

• SEO-Friendly

WordPress has been built to embrace search engines and such a feature makes it SEO-friendly. This feature guide search engines crawlers to crawl your site and gather the required information from posts and pages. It helps search engines include any definite site in their database. WordPress offers a number of other security features and helps users optimize their websites as per SEO guidelines. It helps to get higher rankings over the search engines, which is the ultimate aim of creating business websites. There are outstanding plugins to make any WordPress website more search engine friendly.

• Huge Community of Developers

WordPress has got a vibrant community behind it that supports the beginners to guide them through the issues. Another good thing about WordPress is that it is an open-source platform and the users keep on contributing to the platform. Developers also keep on releasing new updates that help users remain updated with the current happenings in the WordPress arena. Thus, the continuous support from the vibrant community makes it an exceptional experience for new users to get involved with WordPress. The support from all across the globe has helped it to grow bigger and better every single day.

• Customizable According to your Design

WordPress offers the freedom of customizing your website as per the designs by choosing a related theme. The theme customization, at first, may look like a complicated job but it is easy to accomplish, of course, with the support of the exceptional WordPress community. Thus, WordPress can further be utilized in order to create websites depending upon the business preferences. The looks and the functions can also be modified further, which is, of course, for the benefit of the business. For customizing the websites, users have the option of choosing them either from free as well as premium WordPress themes.

Now that we have talked much on why WordPress is preferred over HTML websites, here is a note on which type of coding will seem ideal for WordPress to HTML conversion.

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Although HTML to WordPress converter tools may seem an option to go with; however, it cannot match to the results you have with manual coding particularly when it is about converting HTML website to WordPress theme. Additionally, there is nothing good in involving in a practice that offers a bad experience at last. Thus, it is a worthy option to choose the choose the right service provider.


Having a number of benefits with WordPress, switching to this exceptional platform is always beneficial for a number of reasons. Today in this every changing competitive business world, having a dynamic WordPress website can be the ultimate solution for your business to grow in the current arena.

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