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Tom Hardy

The 8 years’ journey of Sparx IT Solutions has completed this year on 1st July 2015. It’s a milestone for us to reach at current established position and all this has become possible with the support of our valued clients and thorough skills of our enthusiastic workforce. On this day of grand celebration (Foundation Day), the company organized a party and made this day memorable. The day at company was started with the worship of GOD as we believe that blesses of God should be taken before going to start something good. The entire Sparx team was involved in worship to say thanks to the God.


The delectable and healthy breakfast was arranged for all after worship. The day moved ahead with cake-cutting ceremony, where tenured employees together cut the cake and got rewards for completing 5 years & above. All tenured employees were rewarded with SAMSUNG LED TV for their consistent contribution and for playing a key role to get Sparx IT Solutions a renowned global existence as the most trustworthy web development company. They urged remaining employees to show the same determination with the best contribution.


The exquisite food was offered for lunch with a number of mouth-watering varieties. The list of delicious food items is quite vast. It contains Shahi Paneer, Mix Naan, Butter Naan, Daal Makhani, Mix Veg, Puri, Sweets, Ice Cream in different flavors and more. The huge list of delicate food items often make the people confused and same thing was actually happening here; employees were little amazed with choice. They enjoyed cuisine a lot with fun.


In the evening, Sparxians watched “Jurassic World” movie together organized by the company and enjoyed Pop Corn & Cold Drink at our seat during movie show.

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